Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meet “Hondo” – Colorado Celebrity & Our “Horse-nality of the Year” mascot!

Howdy partners…it sure is nice to meet ya’ll...Hondo's the name! Yes siree, that's me in the picture (in case you were a wondering!), just itchin' to hit the trail at the Lost Valley homestead.

Now, not wantin’ to be boastful, but I’m kinda like a four-legged celebrity out here in Colorado, those dandy girls at PONY Magazine havin’ given me my own blog at

You can can catch me in the corral every Friday starting on the 8th of October, where I’ll be giving you voters the low down on everythin’ from my favourite trail ride, to the next horse-nality contestant. And of course, I'll be introducin' you to some of my bestest friends and spilling the beans on the Lost Valley Guest Ranch – my home sweet home for the last four years…

As for me, well me being a star "one of a kind" gelding, and havin' a rattlin' personality (where you folks come from, that's a good sense of humour!) - you can also vote for me.  But not wantin' to steal the show, I should tell you that we've got some rip-roaring talent lined up.  So don't dilly dally, rattle your hocks (hurry up!) and send those votes into 

When it comes to the lucky winner - I might even let you saddle up with me out on the trail, but you'll have to catch me first!

Vote to Win!
To vote simply send the name of the horse you are voting for, your full name, age, daytime telephone number and email address to Every vote will be entered into a random draw, to win a 7-night family holiday at the Lost Valley Guest Ranch.

(For the full list of Terms & Conditions see the Ranch Rider website

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