Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year Surprise From Your Horse-nality Mascot, Hondo...

Oooo-aaaah, your huggable Hondo had the best Christmas ever, as those dandy gals at PONY sent me a surprise pressie in the mail.  Yes, you guessed it folks – an extra blog post was in my stockin’, so when I woke on Xmas morn, I was all in a feeze (excited)!  
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The Colorado Trails With Rory

Q. Well, it’s Christmas Eve folks – yee-haah!  I’m ready for the big day, lots of pressies and of course a mighty big turkey – yum.  But before the 25th arrives we’ve got one last cowboy to interview so give a festive shout out to Cowboy Rory! 
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vote For Maybell, The Horse Who Loves To Jingle!

Sadly, Maybell is our last Colorado horse-nality, but we Ranch Rider folks hope that you’ve enjoyed meetin’ and greetin’ all our star steeds!  They have too and all of your new four-legged friends would like to send out a BIG western horse hug, a warm thanks for all your votes - and, as it’s that time of year…wish you a very Merry Christmas! Anyhow, before we leave for our festive hoe down at Lost Valley, here’s the low down on our…sniff, sniff…last star steed… 

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Go Cowboy Up At the Vista Verde With Ben!

Q. Well it’s been a whirlwind Colorado kind of tour and we’re back at the Vista Verde, home to Zag, that four-legged father Christmas.  Yes folks, you can vote for the ranch’s gentle giant, so send his name to if you think Zag should win the horse-nality contest. Anyway, Ben is the General Manager at Vista Verde and he’s feeling Christmassy too! 
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hondo's Pick Of The Best Western Words!

Oooo-aaaah! Christmas is a comin', and I can hardly wait!  But, if you’re feelin’ a little baa humbug, you should drop by the blog and meet Zag, as he’s our four-legged Father Christmas, and no windies (tall tales) he even pulls Vista Verde’s sleigh! 
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Go Cowboy Up At The Colorado Trails With Mike!

Q. Howdy ranching fans – hope you’re feeling Christmassy!  With all this snow on the ground in Colorado I’m certainly in the mood for pressie wrapping and carolin' round the campfire!  Anyhow, today I’m here with Mike, Barn Manager at the Colorado Trails.  Hi there Mike and Merry Chrimbo!!! 
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Hondo's Horse-nality Christmas Wish List

Well I guess this week I should be goin' "Ho, ho, ho," as one of our latest horse-nalities is a real life Santa on four legs!  Yes, Zag even pulls the Vista Verde sleigh! 
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