Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vote For Zag, Your Four-Legged FC & Gentle Giant Of The West!

It’s less than ten days til Christmas (yee-haah!!!), so we thought we should give Zag a mention, as rather appropriately, he pulls the sleigh at the Vista Verde Ranch (see pictured right).  Yes  we Ranch Rider folks are feeling festive, and we're not the only ones, as those Lost Valley wranglers and horses are also going jingle bell mad! In fact, the word is that Hondo will be sporting a pair of reindeer antlers this Friday, so you better watch out!  Anyhow, not wanting you to miss meetin’ Zag, here’s a little round up on our ‘gentle giant of the west’. 

If Father Christmas was a horse, this mammoth mount would be our top of the tree choice.  He certainly has a jolly personality and while you might find him shouting out “neigh, neigh, neigh” rather than “ho, ho, ho,” he fits the part to a tee. A patient and kind steed, we’re sure if you ever saddled up with Zag, shut your eyes tight and whispered your ultimate prezzie list into his ear, you could almost believe that he was the big FC himself.

Bar the fat rosy cheeks and white beard this gelding really is the real deal, and he keeps all the other horses in check in a fatherly, jolly giant kind of a way – just like your very own dad or grandpa might do!

While he doesn’t do trail rides, in the summer you’ll find him pulling the haywagon to breakfast, but come December 24, who knows, you might even see Zag throwing shadows across the moon on his way to fill up all those horsey stockings in Colorado!

Will Zag's prezzie be the horse-nality title? Here’s a quick round up on our merry mount to help you decide…

Birth sign: Taurus
Nature: a good listener; the ultimate team player; understanding and very forgiving...
Favourite treat: Carrots so he can pull that sleigh in the dark!

Is Zag your four-legged Father Christmas?  To vote for Zag, send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on

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