Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vote For Yoder, The Kate Moss Of The Horsey World!

A true stylista, when we captured Yoder on camera (pictured above) we thought she was the Kate Moss of the horse world. Just look at that pose and tell us this mesmerising mare wouldn’t be up for first prize in the Elite Model Look 2011 contest. Well, if they ever decide to use horses, we're sure she'd be in the running!

In fact, should Cosmo ever want to feature Colorado and the states most beautiful mounts, then this mare would probably end up on the front cover.

Are you looking for trail ride make up tips? If so, you only have to take one look at this glamhorse, as she doesn’t wear any. Either way, without a doubt, she could still do the catwalk (or horsewalk)! 

Her BIG claim to fame! Yoder has already captured the attention of Eddie Bauer and played a part in his recent photoshoot, but aside from modeling her fave pastime is chasing down those cows.

With an exotic name like Yoder, we Ranch Rider folks think she’ll go far when it comes to being a supermodel, but does she get your vote? Here’s a quick round up on our gorgeous horse-nality to help you decide…

Birth sign: Sagittarius
Nature: a real girlie; the ultimate professional when it comes to the camera; very sociable
Favourite treat: Carrots as they're good for horse hair and your eyes too!

Is Yoder your supermodel mount?  To vote for Yoder, send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on

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