Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At The Vista Verde With Johanna!

Q. Hey there peeps!  We’re back at the Vista Verde Ranch in Steamboat on this mighty fine Tuesday, and cowgirl Johanna is here with us. Howdy Johanna!

A. Hi there everyone – it sure is nice to make your acquaintance! 

Q.  You bet!  So Johanna, what do you get up to on the ranch and do you have any favourite activities?

A. Well now, I’m here to take good care of the horses and make sure that they’re in tip top condition.  I also spend a lot of time with you guests teaching basic riding skills, and I get to train the horses too.  Workin’ with horses and people is just the best!

Q.  Yep, I can see you’re just mad about horses Johanna that’s for sure…

A.  Without a doubt! It's a real buzz bein' able to communicate with horses and teaching other riders to do the same.

Q.  Ahhhh, so you’re a horsemanship expert!  In which case, it must be difficult to name a favourite mount, as there's probably more than one...

A.  Right again! But I’d have to say Oreo. He will go and do anything you ask but he also has a mind of his own so you have to convince him that there is a good reason to go and do what you are asking. He is very sweet once he gets to know you, and he’s small and sure footed with smooth gaits.

Q.  Mmmmm Oreo’s, now I’m fellin’ hungry – hahaha!  Well, aside from making my tummy rumble he does sound like a pretty cool horse.  And what about those trails Johanna?

A.  Farwell Meadows has to be top of the list. I’ve had some of my best rides there and the scenery is gorgeous, whatever time of year. When it comes to saddlin’ up I’d say bushwacking anywhere. I love getting off the trail.

Q. You sure do love it here at Vista Verde! But why do riders love to hit the trails with you guys?

A. Meet our wonderful wranglers and you’ll have your answer.  All of our cowgirls and boys are great fun to be around, and they make sure everyone is happy and comfortable out on the trail.

Q.  And do you have any advice for those wannabe cowgirls?

A. Work hard. Never stop loving horses and loving people. Be willing to wait and look for opportunities.

Q.  Good points - I'll add those to my growing list Johanna! Anyhow before we head off to meet Vista Verde’s star horse-nalities – why do you love Colorado?

A.  The mountains, the cowgirl lifestyle and the extreme seasons!

Brrrrrrrr!  I think you might be right there Johanna, it’s turning pretty cold out here and that means it’s nearly Christmas folks – Yeehaaaah!

So 'til next time ya'll...

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