Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At Elk Mountain With Hunter!

Q. Howdy there tenderfoots!  Today I’m over at the Elk Mountain  with Hunter - and she’s one horse mad cowgirl! 

A. Howdy back everyone!  

Q.  So Hunter, what do you get up to on the ranch and can you name three things you love about being a cowgirl?

A. I help take care of the horses, lead you guests on trail rides and keep everyone safe.  As for what I love, that would have to be horses and people 24/7!

Q.  Me too Hunter!  And your fave horse?  Judging by that reaction not an easy choice for you – hahaha!

A.  Yes, you’ve certainly got me there, but when it comes to temperament, being laid back and having a willingness to learn, I’d have to say Katie. She makes everyone who saddles up with her feel at ease…

Q.  What a fab horse – maybe you could introduce us later! But more importantly where will we be hitting the trail?  I’m assuming you got a fave one in mind…?

A.  Sure, we’ll catch up with Katie later, and as for the trail, it being Tuesday n'all, you'll be able to enjoy a ride through the beautiful apsens with me.  The views are just awesome!

Q.  And before we hit the trail, do you have any advice for those wannabe cowgirls?

A. Smile and love what you do!

Q. I guess you certainly do Hunter – hahaha, but what is it about Colorado that keeps you here?

A. The blue skies, the fall colours and always being outside no matter what the weather brings.

They certainly are bluer than blue Hunter, so what do you say shall we get ready for the Tuesday ride?

Yes, let’s ride! 

Now where have I heard that before…?

Well, 'til next time ya'll...

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