Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cowhorse Or Cowboy? – Vote For Otis, The Mount Who Thinks He’s Human!

Fluffy by mane and fluffy by nature, Otis tops the list as our friendliest mount yet, but according to the wranglers at the Colorado Trails, they're not entirely sure if he thinks he’s a horse or a human.  

If given the choice, Otis would rather be giddying up with you folks than playing with his four legged BFFs, and once he spots a guest he’ll swish his tail (see picture) and trot over to greet them in thirty seconds flat! In fact, if you sign up to be Otis’ saddle side-kick, don’t be surprised to find him following you around the ranch all day long, as this horse will be your best buddy for seven whole nights.

His fluffy forelock has also earned him the title of 'cutest horse in the corral,' and being 100% nuzzleable, Otis is certainly a fan of the odd cuddle or two. Of course, if he wins the contest he’ll be expecting an extra grooming session and a few more hugs, followed by a game of cowboys and Indians, and the chance to borrow his favourite wrangler’s Stetson!

Is Otis your soul mate mount? Here’s a quick round up on our almost human horse to help you decide…

Birth sign: Leo
Nature: loyal and dependable; full of energy; generous and kind – will share his last blade of grass with you!
Favourite treat: Grass, grass and more grass at any time of day or night…

Does Otis have that star steed something?  If so, send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on

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