Friday, October 29, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At the Colorado Trails!

Q. Listen up folks as this week we’re over at the Colorado Trails in the south-west corner of the state.  And I’ve got cowgirl Alicia with me, one of the kid’s counselors down here on the ranch.  Hey there Alicia!

A. Howdy back!

Q.  Now, I imagine it must be quite a fun job rounding up all those wannabe cowgirls and boys?

A. It sure is! Meetin’ and greetin with the mounts, hitting the trail and making a big splash in the pool are my faves!

Q.  And what’s special about the Colorado Trails Alicia?

A.  The best bits are…hmmmm…not an easy question...but I guess just bein’ with the horses and you riders and getting’ to know each other.  Then there’s volleyball, the pettin zoo and we even have our own western town! It’s a loooooong FUN list!

Q.  Yes, it sounds like you never run out of things to do!  And has one horse in particular won you over?

A.  Ah that has to be Otis, he’s just so friendly, fun to hit the trail with and he has a fluffy forelock

Q.  Awww, he must be a real character – we should definitely catch up with him later!  As for the landscape, you can’t beat the San Juan National Forest – but is there a top of the list location Alicia?

A.  Do I have to pin it down to only one…?!!! (pause...) OK, it has to be the creek under the forestry property, it’s just so pretty

Q.  And what about the trail rides?

A. The chuckwagon ride is non-stop fun as there are some great places to go lopin’ and it ends with LUNCH!

Q. Yes, I quite fancy trying some of your hearty western fare after my ride, but before we sign off what would you say to a wannabe wrangler?

A. If you want to be a kid’s cowgirl, you should go all out on havin’ fun, be yourself – and be patient, as not everyone has been on the back of a horse before!

Well I’ve had lots of FUN chattin' with you Alicia, but I can see your new found friends are getting excited about this afternoon's horseback games so it must be time to saddle up – ME first!!!
'til next time ya'll...

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