Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The Vista Verde!

Q. It’s Travel Tuesday for you Twitter peeps, and right now we’re at the Vista Verde in Steamboat, Colorado!  Luckily for you, Kyle, a real cowboy from the Centennial state, has agreed to have a chat with us and tell us about life on the ranch. 
So Kyle, here goes, what do you love best about being a ranch hand?

A. Well first off the horseback riding, but I guessed you already knew that! And swapping the saddle for a mountain bike.  It’s real Rocky Mountain high country here and there are some awesome trails.  Lastly I’m also a big fan of chopping wood!

Q.  Wow sounds fun Kyle! And what do you love most about working on the ranch and with horses?

A.  I guess I’d say I like working with people and animals at the same time – everyone and every horse tends to teach you a thing or two…

Q.  And, you must have a favourite horse? Don't worry I won't tell!...

A.  It’s hard not to take a "cotton to" (liking to) the horses so my fave would have to be Sarge.  He’s a good ride all round, but he can still give you the odd surprise.  He keeps you on your toes and we certainly have some interesting adventures...

Q.  Sounds like a one-of-a-kind horse! And what about the Elk River Valley Kyle – do you have a favourite location?

A. Hmmmm... too many, but you’ll always find me in the Mare Barn.  I’m at my happiest when I’m spending time with the mares and foals.

Q.  And the trail rides?

A. It’s gotta be the Elk River Overlook, it’s the best place on the ranch by far!

Q. I’ll have to try that one Kyle – sounds like a great tip! And here's an interesting one for our readers, why come to the Vista Verde?

A. I guess every day is a challenge – even if you’re already a rider or a tenderfoot when it comes to western.  When the week is over it's great to look back and see how far you’ve come.  Of course, it makes us ranch hands mighty proud too!

Q. I’m there Kyle – can’t wait! Now, any tips for the wannabe ranch hands out there?

A. Be diligent and work hard – give it all you’ve got!

Q.  Im in! And why not, this place is just awesome, but what do you really love about Colorado?

A.  It might seem like an obvious answer, but the weather, the seasons and the open land - it’s impossible not to fall in love with Colorado!

Can't beat it Kyle!  Thanks for the chat…

'til next time ya'll...

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