Friday, October 15, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At Lost Valley With Chelsea Reeher!

Q. Hey there!  We've come down to Deckers to interview some of the team, so I wondered if you'd be happy telling us a little more about Lost Valley?

A. Sure - I'd love to tell you more! The name's Chelsea, and I'm a Lost Valley wrangler! 

Q.  Nice to make your acquaintance Chelsea...OK here goes!!! I know this will be a difficult question, but what do you enjoy most about wrangling?

A. You're right - there's no easy answer! 

Mostly, I take care of the horses and lead the guests on horseback rides.  But I guess teaching people to ride and seeing them build their confidence, napping, and working to better my horse and myself are top of the list.

Q.  Sorry Chelsea, here's another hard one! What do you love most about working on the ranch and with horses?

A.  Wow, that's tough...hmmmm... 

If I have to give an answer I'd say, I love the people I work with and all the horses. Riding and getting to know the guests who come out here. We all have a great time!

Q.  And, you must have a favourite horse? Don't worry I won't tell!...

A.  Hahaha...It has to be Beatrix Kiddo – she’s smart and makes anyone who rides her look dadgum good!

Q.  Sounds like one amazing horse - hope I get to saddle up with Beatrix! And, the location here is just awesome! I can't wait to hit the trail, but do you have any top tips on where to head Chelsea?

A.  Without a doubt, “Angel Rock” – it’s not every day you can hang out by an angel and feast your eyes on an incredible view of the ranch

Q.  And what about the trail rides?

A. “Mule Deer” has to be the best – lots of good places to run, logs to jump, and a fantastic view of Lost Valley

Q. You sure do love Lost Valley! And here's an interesting one for our readers Chelsea! Why do riders love to ranch it up with you guys?

A. If you’re a teen you get to hang out with riders your own age. Not forgetting to mention, the kid supervisors, who are fab! They always make you laugh!

Q.  You can add me to the teen rider list Chelsea!!! Now, I'm sure there are a few wannabe cowgirls listening in, so could you tell me what you think are the most important qualities for a horse lover looking to follow in your hoof-steps?

A. Hahaha...Don’t give up hope – life is full of surprises.  AND…work hard, treat people well, and learn everything you possibly can!

Q.  Good points - I'll make a note of that!  Anyhow, it's almost time for me to get a wiggle on and  meet up with Hondo, our horsenality mascot. But before I head off could you let our readers know what you love most about Colorado?

A.  These questions certainly don't get any easier! But I'd have to say the mountains, the elevation and the wilderness, it’s my fave place to hike and ride…

Just awesome Chelsea!  Thanks for pitching in.

'til next time ya'll...

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