Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Wild Card From Out West! Does Morris The "Miniature Horse" Get Your Vote?...

Those kind folks at Vista Verde have thrown a wild card into the mix, so if you’re a miniature horse fan, feast your eyes on Morris.  

He’s a huggable horse if ever there was one, and rather than hitting the trail he just likes to hang out on the range.  Pretty much anything will work when it comes to treats, whether it’s a carrot, a sugar cube or a handful of sunflower seeds. And, if he really takes a liking to you, he’ll be your  BFF for eight whole days, which means following you around the ranch from morning til night!  Fancy a game of hide and seek? Morris is your mount! 

He likes to horse around with his favourite cowgirl and Rodeo Clown Steph, but don’t be fooled by his small stature, as yes siree, Morris even shows off at the weekly gymkhanas.  Don’t worry you’ll be able to join in the fun too, as it’s a kids only event!

Of course, if Morris wins, he’ll be expecting a treat of his choosing and a few more horse hugs than usual!

Is Morris your fave Horse-nality?  Here’s a quick round up on our wild card to help you decide…
  • Birth sign: Gemini 
  • Nature: good sense of humour, always makes you laugh; an attention seeker, who is just way too cute for words; has hidden and unexpected talents, watch out for him at the summer rodeos! 
  • Favourite treat: Practically anything, he’s not fussy...
Is Morris the horse with the most-est?  Vote for our wild card and send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday, and Hondo's weekly Lost Valley blog posts starting today on! And no, the excitement doesn't end there folks, as PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title, is out NOW!!!

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