Thursday, October 7, 2010

Are you Going All Starry-Eyed Over Captain Planet? - Vote For Our First Horse-Nality!

According to the wranglers at Lost Valley, Captain Planet, or C.P. for short, is just plain nuzzleable (loveable)!

When he’s not searching for shapes in the clouds with his four-legged friends or playing hopscotch in the corral, you might well find him falling asleep on the hitching rail. Yes, you guessed it, Captain Planet’s a bit of a night owl! A stargazing gelding, CP also likes to trot off for a late night swim in Goose Creek, and he’s been known to throw the odd slumber party, or two, on the range.

When all the ranch hands are safely tucked up in bed, C.P and Kellie (his favourite wrangler) sneak into the tack room, turn on the radio and square dance the night away at their own private ‘80’s themed, western hoe-down (bash)! In fact, if Captain Planet wins the Horse-nality contest that’s how he’ll be celebrating!!!

If he knows you’re saddling up for the Heathcliff ride, C.P. will be an easy catch in the corral.  His pal, Mr. Baldie the eagle lives out that way and he always flies by to say “Hi”...but most of all Captain Planet is just crazy about the mountain vistas spied from atop the rock.

Is Captain Planet your fave Horse-nality?  Here’s a quick round up of our first huggable horse to help you decide…
  • Birth sign: Aries
  • Nature: a quick and speedy learner when it comes to hitting the trail; impulsive, likes to do things on the hoof; multi-talented, can dance as well as lope!
  • Favourite treat: is mad about candy (you’ll find a dispenser in cowgirl Kellie’s back pocket – no wonder they’re firm friends!!!) and Granny Smiths apples – hmmm…well they are green like the grass - yum!

Ready to vote for Captain Planet?  Send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday, and Hondo's weekly Lost Valley blog posts starting tomorrow on! And no, the excitement doesn't end there folks, as PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title is out TODAY!!!

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