Friday, October 15, 2010

Nutty For The Western Wildlife? Vote For Ace, Our Very Own Four-Legged Dr. Doolittle!

He’s the Dr. Doolittle of the western world, and no, we’re not talking about a wrangler, we’re introducing our next star horse-nality, who goes by the name of Ace!  When the song birds fly down from the trees and perch on his saddle, you’d expect the cow hands to take a second glance, but no-one is ever the least bit surprised. Yes, it seems that the wildlife can’t get enough of this friendly quarter horse. In fact, his cheerful disposition has even earned him the reputation of being able to talk a squirrel out of a nut tree - a skill he picked up from his favourite cowboy Caleb! 

Not his only claim to fame, Ace is a bit of a joker extraordinaire, or should we say a real life four legged Houdini.  Think you have a knot that he can’t untie? Well, think again, as this magnificent mount can untie any knot and even the horse next to him on the hitching rail if he has a mind to!

Of course, Ace tends to pull this stunt on a weekly basis, as the Thursday lunch ride is his favourite horseback adventure.  If you’re looking to join him, this is one day when you won’t need to bribe him with peppermints – Ace’s favourite treat. 

When he’s not riding across the wide-open spaces and dreaming that the wilderness trails will go on forever, you might find Ace back at the stables enjoying a game of cards (Caleb always brings him along as a good luck charm!) And, no ordinary horse, Ace has even been known to throw in the odd wink or neigh when it comes to the winning hand! As for being crowed as the winning horse-nality, he’d just have a big party for everyone, as he’s the kindest horse in the corral.

Is Ace your good luck charm? Here’s a quick round up on our gifted gelding to help you decide…

Birth sign: Aries
Nature: sunny personality; loves company; very giving, would share his last peppermint with you
Favourite treat: Peppermints, peppermints or (did we forget to mention) peppermints!!!

Would you like Ace to win?  Send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday, and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on! And in case you missed it folks, PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title, is out NOW!!!

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