Friday, October 22, 2010

Vote For Moonshine, But Please Don’t Mention The CATTLE!

Halloween is almost here horse fans, but our next star mount isn’t frightened of the ghosts and ghouls – no siree, it’s the cattle that make him turn to jelly! According to Lost Valley's wranglers, Moonshine was out pushing the cows with his favourite cowboy Turco, when all of a sudden they came upon a steer with mighty big horns.  The pair glanced at each other for a moment and a split second later Moonshine high-tailed it out of there without looking back once! 

A ranch horse that’s frightened of cattle, now there’s a funny story!  Of course, Moonshine had heaps of fun later that afternoon with Lost Valley’s guests, as he’s head honcho when it comes to trot tag and Turco brought him a prize apple (his favourite treat) as he was such a star.

In fact, when it comes to eating Moonshine will chomp on almost anything including, hats, boots and ropes.  A kind of now you see it, now you don’t horsey trick, we’re sure this might explain his passion for mystery novels.  Yes, this trusty steed likes nothing better than a few stories being read to him, so bring your fave riding titles to Lost Valley and you can nuzzle up with Moonshine when the trail comes to an end.

Is Moonshine your mount? Here’s a quick round up on our star steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Taurus
Nature: energetic; a healthy appetite for fun and food!; a natural born leader when it comes to trail rides; avid reader/listener

Favourite treat: Apples, but prepare yourself for a long lunch, as this horse takes one tiny bite at a time!

Do you think Moonshine outshines our other horse-nalities?  Send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on! Haven’t got your copy yet? PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title, is out NOW!!!

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