Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Western Lingo For You Wannabe Wranglers!

Howdy partners – yes, we’re back with some more western lingo that will have you going as crazy as a loon over Colorado! 

Now I put on my best bib and tucker (best clothes) for last week’s hoe down and I’m not giving you any blarney (telling you any tall stories), but I did a mean square dance!

I see Hondo’s up for the vote this week and you can check out his entry right here, on Thursday! He's a real blatherskite (a noisy, talkative fellow) if ever there was one!  But it seems like you voters have taken a shine to our horse-nality mascot, as votes for the loveable rogue keep flooding in!

Anyhow, we best keep that dry (keep it a secret) as we wouldn’t want the other horses to go pitchin’a fit (getting upset)!

So ‘til next time yall…

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