Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is Hondo Your Heartthrob? Vote for Lost Valley’s Prankster!

Hondo is just your average nice guy (or horse, of course!) and he wins hearts wherever he lopes, so it’s no surprise that he was chosen as our horse-nality mascot. In fact, if there really was an X Factor contest for western mounts, we’re betting Hondo would be the star pin up. 

The “Curious George” of Colorado, even when he’s out in the dude meadows he’ll still come right up to the fence to say howdy to you tenderfoots.  But watch out, as being on the nosey side you might find Hondo wandering off with everything from belts to bracelets. Luckily, head wrangler Josh is very forgiving, our star mascot recently unsnapping Josh’s holster and aiming and firing his radio with 100% accuracy at a pile of manure!  This last stunt, is just one of many, but after hearing about his little adventure, we think Hondo's more than earned his title of Lost Valley prankster!

Swinging buckets around is another of his favourite activities, but when he’s not being goofy you’ll most likely find him nuzzling up to Tarzan, Lost Valley's ranch cat.  BFFs, his feline friend will listen to Hondo for hours as he tells stories about his fave trail rides. Synder’s Pass is his number one horseback jaunt – a wooded glen named after his partner in crime, cowboy Kevin.  A wrangler who’s just as mischevious as Hondo – we’re guessing that they have the odd game of hide and seek out there in the wilderness, but mention ice-cream sundaes and they’ll be loping back into the corral before you can say Oooo-aaaah!

Is Hondo your heartthrob? Here’s a quick round up on our goofy gelding to help you decide…

Birth sign: Taurus
Nature: outgoing; loves to make new friends; a wicked sense of humour
Favourite treat: A horse with a sweet tooth, but vanilla ice-cream tops the list!

Do you think Hondo should be the horse-nality pin up?  Send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on! Haven’t got your copy yet? PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title, is out NOW!!!

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At November 1, 2010 at 5:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

ohh my gosh Hondo is so cute! I love him x

At November 4, 2010 at 1:45 PM , Blogger Ranch Rider's Colorado Horse-nality of the Year said...

he is one gorgeous gelding...I'll pass the comment on as I'm sure he'd like to hear that!!! Watch out for him this Friday on the PONY Magazine blog...


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