Friday, October 22, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?

Howdy folks – yes, Hondo’s back! Now I’m keeping it short and sweet this week, as I’ll be square dancing later at Lost Valley's hoe down, but don’t forget to vote for me! As for the pic, well not wantin' to steal the limelight n'all, I thought I'd leave you with a horsey nugget from our all day ride...Oooo-aaaah!!! 

Your emails have been pouring in from across the globe, which is mighty nice, and Ace has started to make plans for his big "Horse-nality" party, as he’s top of the tree according to those Ranch Rider folks.  Anyhow, now you’ve got a chance to vote for me, Hondo the heartthrob, Ace's luck could be a changin’, and Moonshine might just outshine that card playing Dr. Doolittle after all! 

Well it's all up to you, so keep votin’ folks!  And watch out for another star horse-nality next Thursday! You can also saddle up with me on every Friday! And, I'd like to hand out a BIG thanks to those PONY gals, as my copy of PONY Magazine arrived in the post this week, what a hoot!

Now before I go off to gobble up my delicious ice-cream sundae (yummmmm!) – here’s an update on all those star horse-nalities.  Have fun peeps – see you next time ya’ll… Hondo x…

1. Captain Planet, the star-gazing gelding 
2. Morris the miniature horse – our wild card! 
3. Powder – the “Goldilocks of the west! 
4. Ace – our very own four-legged Dr. Doolittle 
5. Me Hondo! Heartthrob & Lost Valley Prankster 
6. Moonshine – a mount that will surely outshine the other mounts, but please don’t mention the CATTLE! 

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