Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vote For Chip - The Lightning McQueen Of The Western World!

Want a horse that can go full throttle out west, then Chip will be your four-legged Ferrari!  Yes, he can drive those cattle down before you even have time to blink, in fact, he'll even nudge his sidekick steeds, and tell them to get a wiggle on while he’s jingling the herd!

Full of energy when he’s out on the trail, Chip will lope for as long as you’d like – and he looked awful confused when he asked him to choose just ONE favourite ride! Yes, it seems there are just too many to mention when it comes to Colorado, well for this horse at least! Mention riding, and we doubt that you’ll have to tempt Chip with his favourite treat, but whatever you do, don’t make him decide between fruit and peppermints, as you could be in for a long wait!

A magnetic mount (who very much resembles a chocolate chip cookie, in the shape of a horse), Chip switches from an energetic equestrian to gorgeous gelding back at the ranch. In fact, the wranglers at the Colorado Trails Ranch tell us that he’d rather be throwing in a neigh or two with his human amigos, than catching up with his companions in the corral.

Is Chip your choice? Here’s a quick round up on our scrumptious steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Scorpio
Nature: the leader of the pack; a trailblazing talent ; guest loving gelding with a big heart
Favourite treat: Peppermints or fruit, fruit or peppermints – he loves both, but can’t seem to make a decision when offered the choice!

Do you think Chip will be in hot pursuit of our other horse-nalities?  Send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality on Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on! Haven’t got your copy yet? PONY Magazine, our fave horsey teen title, is out NOW!!!

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