Friday, October 22, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At Lost Valley!

 Q. Well we’re back here in Deckers and the ranch’s head wrangler Josh Singer is joining us in the corral.
So Josh, what do you love about working on the ranch?

A. Oooo-aaaah hard call, but my favourites would have to be leading rides, working cattle, and rounding-up in the morning!

Q.  And who’s your favourite horse?  As Chelsea might have told you we do throw in some hard questions!!!

A. So true, that’s a hard one to pin down, but I’d have to go for Hawk – he is very willing and a quick worker.

Q.  And that number one Colorado location?...

A.  “Heathcliff Rock” – the overlook at the South Platte River;  it is a beautiful view looking down on the river.

Q.  Yes Hondo, our Horse-nality mascot, has been raving about that very same spot this week on the PONY blog – sounds fab! And more to the point what about the trails – you must have a favourite?

A.  Ahhhh, it’s gotta be “High Ridge” – it is a beautiful ride, which allows for some nice loping and beautiful mountain viewing at the same time – awesome!

Q.  Ohhhh take me there! But before I saddle up for another horseback jaunt, what’s in it for us Josh?

A.  We have great trails and horses, and of course, the legendary “capture the flag” game for teens on Fridays in the summer!

Q.  Sounds interesting! I love horses without a doubt, and your job (it's the best!!!), so what are the ultimate qualities for a head wrangler?

A. Hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn

Q. I’ll make a note of those Josh, as I’m a horsey kinda girl! But before we go, what are your fave bits of Colorado?

A. The weather, the mountains and the RIDING!!!

Q.  You are talking my language Josh – let’s go!  Sorry readers, but I’m off to meet my mount.  

Till next time ya’ll!

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