Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Words From Out West!

If you’re catching up with us this week you certainly won’t be at the end of the horn (at a disadvantage) when it comes to jawin (talking) with Colorado’s cowboys and girls.  No Siree, you’ll see how the cat jumps (discover the secrets) and be jabberin' in our western lingo in no time at all – and we’re not stretchin’ the blanket (telling tall tales)!

We'd also like to thank you for all your votes. They’ve been pourin' in from every corner of the globe and I’m reckonin’ that Chip’s made a mash (made an impression) on you horse lovers, as all my eye (no nonsense), he’s been roundin’ 'em up almost as well as he does those steers!

My guess is that you tenderfoots will be turnin’ in your pancakes (English saddles) and saddlin’ up with us western wranglers as quick as a six shooter horse (a fast horse). Anyhow, ‘til then keep votin’ and don’t forget to catch up with Hondo on the PONY blog this Friday!

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