Friday, October 29, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality...?

Yes, I spy the rancher in Lost Valley's hammock, but now is not the time to be lazin' around in the shade, as the competition’s hottin’ up, and Chip is hot on the trail of those other horse-nalities, including me – your very own heartthrob Hondo – Oooo-aaaah!!!

Well he is a mighty fast rider. Yes siree, I don’t think any one of us star steeds could quite hold a candle to him when it comes to lopin’, but all I can think of when I see him is chocolate chip cookies - chuckle!  Mmmmm, imagine it, chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice-cream – yummm!  Time to put the nose bag on after this post me thinks!

Anyhow, not forgettin’ Romeo.  Yes I’m bettin’ there’s a few tenderfoots out there that have a soft spot for this gelding.  Then again, I’m guessin’ it's really cupboard love when it comes apples as Romeo can scan sniff out a Granny Smith from a mile away, or so I’ve heard.  Well, with all this talk of food, it’s given me a mind to do some chompin’  and Josh did promise me some left over desert.  But, before I get a wiggle on here’s a run down of all our huggable horse-nalities!

Have fun peeps – ‘til next time ya’ll… Hondo x…

1. Captain Planet, the star-gazing gelding 
2. Morris the miniature horse – our wild card! 
3. Powder – the “Goldilocks" of the west! 
4. Ace – our very own four-legged Dr. Doolittle 
5. Me Hondo! Heartthrob & Lost Valley Prankster 
6. Moonshine – a mount that will surely outshine the other mounts, but please don’t mention the CATTLE! 
7. Chip – the “Lightning McQueen” of the western world 
8. And, Romeo – the 007 of Colorado

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