Thursday, November 4, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up With Hayley At the North Fork Guest Ranch

Q. Howdy wannabe ranchers!  Now today we’re going cowgirl up with Hayley May, a wrangler at the North Fork Guest Ranch. So, what do you get up to Hayley? 

A. Hi there horse-nality fans! Well where to begin…? I oversee the corral and send trail rides out during the summer season.  I love saddling horses and seeing everyone grinning with excitement when they leave the corral.

Q.  You must be grinning too? And what do you love most about working on the ranch and with horses Hayley?

A.  You bet! Working outside with horses and of course meetin’ and greetin’ with you folks, and making sure you all have an awesome vacation

Q.  I can't wait! And, you must have a favourite horse? Enie, meanie, miney mo…

A.  Hahaha...OK, I’d have say Kenosha, as she’s gentle, quiet and loves to please

Q.  Sounds like she can almost read your mind Hayley! Maybe we should saddle up together later, but where should we head?

A.  Yes, I guess you could say we’re like BFFs!  Hmmmm, you might have to wait for the Wednesday ride as that’s my fave.  We hobble the horses in a beautiful meadow looking down into the mountainous valley – it’s just the best ever trail!

Q. I might have to extend my stay! And here's a nice one for our readers Hayley! Why do riders love to ranch it up with you folks?

A. You don’t leave the horses behind when you go back home, you leave new four-legged friends behind!

Q.  Awwwww! And for those wannabe cowgirls – any tips?

A. Always follow your passion in life and listen to your horse, you never stop learning from them.

Q.  Perfect! And here’s one for our Colorado fans.  What do you love most about the Centennial state?

A.  So many things…but, I guess the weather as it never gets too hot in the mountains - then again it sure does keep you on your toes when it changes! The scenery, whether it is mountains or valleys, they all have beautiful qualities. Wherever you look there is something that is worth taking a picture of.  Diversity is another quality that I like because the state has so many different things to offer whether it is biking, horses, or sight seeing.

Rip-roarin’ ranch bites Hayley!  Thanks again for saddling up with us…

'til next time ya'll...

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