Friday, November 5, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?: Here's The Top Five From Huggable Hondo!

You horse fans have certainly been getting’ all mashed up about (loving) Colorado and all of our horse-nalities, but this week, being your huggable Hondo n’all, I thought I should give you a run down of the top five! If you’ve taken a peek at my PONY blog (out TODAY!), you’ll have had the mighty fine pleasure of meetin’ my goofy pal Charlie and Run Around Rosie from the Colorado Trails.  Hmmmmm....thinkin' on that, I've got a mind to send that Rosie a Lost Valley invite, as I bet she’d be great fun when it comes to a game of hide and seek – Oooo-aaaah! 

Anyhow, before I leave you folks, here’s the top five trusty steeds...

1. In first place, it’s our very own Dr. Doolittle of the West – Ace (pictured above)!

2. And comin’ a close second why it’s ME (Hondo) – yes siree, thanks for all the votes peeps xxx...

3. In third place it’s Captain Planet! You folks sure have been going starry eyed over my four-legged friend, but I hope he’s not going to be a pitchin’ a fit (upset) when he finds out I’ve beaten him to second place!

4. At number four we have Morris, so it’s seems that miniature horse is a mount with the mostest after all!

5. And in fifth place – give a big hand to Moonshine, but whatever you do don’t mention the CATTLE!

If your fave horse didn't make the line up I guess you could always ask your horsey friends to vote too, but make sure you mention me - chuckle!

Next week we'll have plenty more star horse-nalities trottin’ into the corral so watch out...and don’t forget your loveable Hondo will be bloggin’ on PONY every Friday!

Oooo-aaaah, I almost forgot – those nice folks at Ranch Rider added everyone to Flickr and there's a cool horse-nality e-book on the net (more comin' soon!), so saddle up online and keep votin’.

For the newbies out there - here's how to vote! send the name of your fave horse to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Have fun peeps – ‘til next time ya’ll… Hondo x…

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