Friday, November 5, 2010

Is Run Around Rosie Our Hot-Shot Horse-nality?

Catch me if you can!  Yes, if you’re looking for a horse that will test your mental ability and not simply your riding skills, ask for Rosie at the Colorado Trails.  She’s a tough cookie and you’ll have to win her affection, but deep down this mare is a BIG softy.  Just when you think you’re about to saddle up Rosie will high tail it and hide behind the bigger horses – and according to the wranglers it’s all part of the fun! 

Of course, she’s always up for a game of hide-and-seek if you’re stopping off for a pack lunch on the trail. In fact, if Rosie wins she’ll be planning an all day adventure in Durango!

Will Rosie be rounding up those votes? Here’s a run down on our sparky steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Scorpio
Nature: determined and single minded, but warm and fuzzy on the inside; always ready for a new adventure; playful
Favourite treat: Grass, grass and more grass!

Is Rosie the cleverest horse in the corral?  If so, send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on!

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