Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Wonderful Words From Out West!

Now we’ve been doin’ the jingle this week, and I know you readers aren’t fogy (stupid), but it’s definitely nothing to do with spurs or that popular number “jingle bells!" Well, it is nearly Christmas so I thought I might have hornswoggled you (pulled the wool over your eyes), but I guess you know me better by now…hahaha!  Yes, to you folks it means roundin’ up those horses, and “Oooo-aaaah” – we sure did have a hog killin’ time (lots of fun)! 

Now Charlie, the 'gagster gelding’s been scaring up (getting a) fair few votes since last week, which is bad medicine (bad news) for Captain Planet (pictured above), as ever since C.P. heard the latest, he’s been off his feed (has lost his appetite)!

Anyhow, being the wheel-horse (BFF) of C.P. I told him to wipe his chin (stop sulking, and worryin’), as this week there will be two new horse-nalities trottin’ into town.  After which, he was feelin’ pretty kedge (a lot happier)…Well, what are friends for?

Anyhow, I’m off to do some more of that jinglin’…

So ‘til next time yall…

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