Friday, November 19, 2010

Vote For Lakota, The Princess Of The West!

If there were ever a starring role for a horse princess, then Lakota would beat any other mare by a long lope!  Yes siree, this mare has a touch of royalty about her and she loves to look the part, whether she’s hitting the trail and trotting off to Hinman Lake (her fave ride) or meeting new guests in the corral. 

While Lakota might come across as being a little bit sensitive and somewhat snobby, she’s just a big softy underneath all that horse-hair, and if you want to groom her in the barn she won’t say no!  In fact, if she wins the Colorado ‘Horse-nality of the Year’ contest, that’s exactly how Lakota will be celebrating – pass me the curry-comb and the sparkly pink saddle blanket please!

Is Lakota the princess of the west? Here’s a run down on our sophisticated steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Leo
Nature: sensitive; beauty queen & stylista; a sweetheart who likes to be kissed, hugged and groomed
Favourite treat: Gourmet horse treats – this horse has a taste for the finer things in life!

Would you like Lakota to win the crown?  If so, send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on!

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