Friday, November 12, 2010

Would You Like To Fly Across Colorado? Vote For Puzzle, The Steed With A Spring In Her Step!

Now, I’m bettin’ that there are a tenderfoots out there who like nothing better than a whole days eventing and jumping.  If that’s your fave horsey activity then head for Lost Valley, as this homestead features a magic mount that can fly across creeks!  Well, Puzzle doesn’t really have wings, but she loves to leap across anything and everything in the blink of an eye! 

In fact, this very same mare gave cowboy Jason (pictured, with Puzzle herself) a real fright. Having a very smooth gait and being an exceedingly good listener, it seems that Puzzle caught him rather by surprise.

Out on a cattle drive the riders came across a small stream, and before Jason could even mutter the word “Oooo-aaaah,” our sprightly steed decided to jump over the water and kick as high as she could.  After which, the Lost Valley cowboy flew over the saddle horn and was left hanging from Puzzle’s neck! 

Of course, now Jason and Puzzle are the very best of friends and they love to lope down into the Chili Bowl and up the hill.  In fact, if our skipping steed wins the horse-nality contest she’ll take Jason off on a midnight ride and chomp on chocolate covered apples under the stars!

Will Puzzle be jumping up and down in delight when we announce the winning horse-nality? Here’s a run down on our lively loper to help you decide…

Birth sign: Aries
Nature: independent; energetic, loves to hop skip and jump while out on the trail; excitable
Favourite treat: Has a very sweet tooth – will never say no to a chocolate covered apple!

Is Puzzle your magic mount?  If so, send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality next Thursday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on!

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