Monday, November 22, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At the Vista Verde With Dace!

Q. Howdy everyone! We’re back with a cowboy from the Vista Verde, in fact, he’s a big bug as he’s the General Manager here. So Dace, you must get involved in pretty much everything on the ranch, but what do you love best? 

A. Hey there peeps!  Well now, I guess havin’ fun with all the wranglers as it’s my job to train them up, watching the horses run in from the pasture and deleting spam mails!

Q.  Hahaha – so you’re almost like a virtual cowboy?

A. Yes, in some ways I guess so!  But when I’m not online, it’s just great to be livin’ the ranch life with such wonderful people and the horses are the icing on the cake!

Q.  And do you have a favourite mount? C’mon you can tell me…

A.  Ah, that would have to be the Earl of Bruce, as he’s fast and keen

Q.  Wow, he sounds like a royal horse!  So, any fave trails for you and your four-legged partner?

A.  (Chuckle)…I guess he does! Hmmmm...that would have to be the South Fork trail, for it’s GORGEOUS views of the Elk River and continental divide, it’s diversity of terrain and a friendly trail that allows for a variety of gaits—plus for some fun bush-wacking on the way home.  

Q.  Ooooh sounds like one amazing ride!  Anyhow, still a few more questions to go Dace… Maybe you could tell us why this is such a fun place to be?

A.  It’s more than just about the riding—it’s riding out into the woods dressed up as cowboys and Indians for the big show down and for doing things like panning for gold in Hinman Creek.  There’s also a lot of opportunity for independent riding, herding cows and getting out on an all day adventure.

Q.  I can’t wait Dace! And, what do you love about Colorado?

A. It’s grand peaks, intriguing canyons/draws and golden aspens littered amidst Colorado blue spruce.

Q. Now I REALLY can’t wait to saddle up!!! Mighty fittin’ as your favourite western phrase is…?

A. Let’s ride!

You’re talking my lingo Dace!

So 'til next time ya'll...

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