Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oooo-aaaah - More Western Words From Colorado!

Did I mention Christmas last week? Well, we’re about to have a rip roaring (great time at) Thanksgiving come tomorrow, so perhaps I was gettin' a little ahead of myself there!  You see, the thing is, I’ve been makin’ my list out for the Big FC and I want December 25 to giddy up.  Anyhow, no doubt Hondo will be tellin’ yer about our annual hoedown on his Friday blog, but for now here’s a round up of some of those wicked western words to keep you goin’! 

Folded Up - A horse bucking
Ditty - (yes, you said it first) a-which-i-ma-call-it
Grub Pile – that’s a hearty meal to you and me! And, since there’s a whole lot of eatin’ goin’ on at Thanksgivin’ I thought you might like that one!
Fair cracked – mad as a hatter!
Oooo-aaaah – For those Lost Valley wranglers it’s like "Aloha" in Hawaii, but it can also mean hello or goodbye, be used in place of clapping or cheering or just hollered when you’re excited! (Should I shout it out on the next egg and horse relay...? (giggle!)
Blatherskite – (a noisy, talkative fellow)...thats ME!
Keep that dry  (keep it a secret)
Get gaited (get going in a hurry)

Well, Oooo-aaaah folks, it bein' the talent show on Saturday, I best sparkle up, as I hear Hondo has a few tricks under that saddle blanket  of his, "hahaha!" Time to practice my spoon bendin'...

'til next time ya'll...

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