Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At Lost Valley With Kellie!

Q. Hey there peeps!  We're in Deckers again, and it’s mighty fine to be back at Lost Valley with Kellie!  So, I’m wonderin’ Kellie, what do you get up to on the ranch and why is THE best job ever! 

A. Hi back wannabe wranglers! 

I guess if I was to sum it up I’d say caring for the horses and cattle and showing you guests a glimpse of the western way of life.  My three favorite daily activities are rounding up the horses so early in the morning that the mountains glow pink, pushing cattle, and untacking the horses at the end of a long day and watching them stroll out to their meadows.

I also love the opportunity to combine my passions – working with horses, spending the day outside in the Rockies, and meeting lots of different people from all over the world.

Q.  Mmmmm…sounds like my idea of heaven! As for your favourite horse I think I’ve (and you readers have) guessed already...I’ve seen a pic of you and Lost Valley’s stargazing steed on the blog, am I right!

A. Hahaha, you are indeed! He still has lots to learn, but he loves a challenge – he’s my fave by far – Go C.P.!

Q.  Well last I heard Kellie he was in third place, so he may well win the title! But back to Colorado – any must do locations at Lost Valley?

A.  The porch swing outside the tack room – after a long day’s work, there is no better place to sit and think and talk through how the day went.

Q.  I might have to join you later!  And how about those awesome trails?

A.  “Wranglers’ Secret Spot” – there are some good lopes on the way and when you finally get to the base of the mountain, you have to bushwhack your way to the top; but when you reach the summit, you can see for miles and miles – all the way to Pike’s Peak!

Q.  Wow Kellie – that sounds like the best ride so far!  And, I’m sure there’s more fun in store for us guests…

A.  There is something about riding out to a distant mountain and running off to play sardines among the rocks that is just plain old good fun!

Q.  And, any tips for those wannabe wranglers?

A. Always keep learning, ask a lot of questions and remember why you love riding – don’t get bogged down in competitiveness, friends, or the idea that performance is everything.

Q. Great advice Kellie – thanks!  And not forgetting Colorado, why is it the best place to be?

A. I love how the mountains frame everything, seeing the brilliant stars at night diluted by no city lights, and people’s love for the outdoors and their desire to preserve it and their way of life...

Q.  I’m guessing that stargazing line might have something to do with Captain Planet – hahaha!  Anyhow peeps were about to saddle up so, a big thanks to Kellie for pitchin’ in and as we always say out here in Colorado…

'til next time ya'll...

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