Monday, November 29, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At The Colorado Trails With Vanessa!

Q. Hi there peeps! Yes, this week (as you’ve probably gathered from the title) we’re back at the Colorado Trails with Vanessa and she’s goin’ to give us her take on being a mighty fine wrangler out west.  So Vanessa, what made you become a cowgirl? 

A. Well, lots of things – loving horses probably more than anything else, and as they all have different personalities, it certainly keeps things interesting.  Out here, you’ll usually find me bringing in the herd, and spending time with my four-legged friends – grooming them and giving them plenty of horse hugs!

Q.  Awwww…sounds like the perfect job to me! And do you have a fave mount?

A. Chip has to be the one – he’s so willing and he loves his job too!  I’ve heard a lot of people say that he does look like a chocolate chip cookie, and funnily enough he’s very sweet too!

Q.  Hahaha – you’re quite right. In fact, when I heard Hondo, our horse-nality mascot talk about Chip, he always starts thinking of chocolate chip ice-cream! And, where should we be heading when we saddle up Vanessa?

A.  Into the forestry property – as it’s so beautiful and quiet there.  If you have time to fit in an all day lunch ride to El Dorado, we should go there too…

Q.  And why ride out at the Elk Mountain?

A.  There are so many reasons, but the main one is...because it is the best FUN you’ll ever have!

I’m ready to have a LOT of fun Vanessa so let’s ride!

'til next time ya'll...

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