Thursday, December 9, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At The Colorado Trails With Emily!

Q. This Thursday we’re back down at the Colorado Trails Ranch with Head Wrangler, Emily!  Howdy Em, it’s mighty fine to make your acquaintance – so tell us, what do you get up to around here? 

A. Howdy back y’all! Well, there’s always plenty to do for us cowgirls, but mainly I lead the rides which is great fun, and take care of the fact, “jingling" is a speciality of mine.

Q.  Hmmmm, jingling…is that anything to do with jingle bells? Hahaha, it being almost Christmas n’all, I thought I’d throw that one into the conversation!

A. (More giggling!!!) I can’t wait for Christmas (yeehaaah!), but no, it means to round up the horses! At night, we turn the horses out on what we call the mountain, so they can roam and graze. In the mornings, we jingle them in so they can be readied for the day's rides.

Q.  Well you learn something new everyday when it comes to bein’ on the ranch that’s for sure – thanks for the tip Emily.  And why do you love working with horses?

A.  It’s just amazing, and when you become firm friends, they’re like your four legged BFFs. They still challenge me sometimes too, so you could say they keep  me on my toes!

Q.  I bet! So is there a fave mount that you’d like to name?

A.  Ah, that has to be Rosie. She has real get up and go and she’s a good listener too!

Q. So, I’m guessin’ that must be Run Around Rosie, our hot shot horse-nality – am I right?

A.  Yes siree, she sure is.  We love to ride out together to Eldorado as the scenery there is awesome!

Q.  And, I hear from the other cowboys and girls that you're a big fan of roundin' those cattle up?

A. Aha, you're right. You’ll always find me havin’ the most fun on the cattle drives.  They're are top of my list when it comes to excitin’ rides!

Q. I’m in Emily!  I’ll be back next year – can’t wait!  But more importantly, why should our readers come and saddle up with you guys?

A. There’s somethin’ for everyone, whether you’re ridin’ through the beautiful San Juan National Forest, nature hikin’, raftin’, or even power tubin’ down the Vallecito Lake – we have a rip roarin’ time!

Q.  Wow that’s a pretty long list of pursuits – can’t be easy to make a decision!  Now, before I head off, do you have any tips for those wannabe wranglers Emily?

A. I sure do!  Pay attention to the horses and try to figure out what they’re thinkin’ - don’t just look at what they’re doin’...

Q.  A great horsemansip tip Em!  Well it’s been fun chattin’ with you. Anyhow, I must get a wiggle on as we’re heading back to Lost Valley this afternoon, so…

'til next time ya'll...

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