Friday, December 3, 2010

Vote For Mary, The Speediest Steed By Far!

If you want to enjoy a fun trail ride with all the trimmings, you should ask for Mary at the North Fork Ranch. The speediest steed by far, this star horse-nality is no average loper. Whether you’re looking for a swift sprint through the high country meadows or decide to zip through the Colorado aspens, Mary will run across the range in record time! 

According to the wranglers, Mary’s fave cowboy Casey might have something to do with this mounts supersonic status, as when the ride comes to an end she’ll bow for her best loved treat before you can say “apple”! And, since this particular cowboy is also a big fan when it comes to those shiny green snacks, we’re bettin’ his saddlebag is always filled to the brim with Granny Smiths! In fact, word has it, the more apples you bring on the Wednesday lunch trail ride, the faster Mary lopes…

Will Mary out lope our other horse-nalities? Here’s a quick round up on our super galactic steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Virgo
Nature: determined; perky; always has a sparkle in her eye!
Favourite treat: As many apples as you can fit in your saddle bag!

Is Mary your lively loper?  To vote for Mary send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for yet another star horse-nality this Friday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on

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