Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At Lost Valley with Nick!

Q. Hi there Nick!  It’s real nice to be back at Lost Valley – even if the chill and the snow has started to set in – brrrrrrr…

A. Yes siree, it’s certainly turnin’ colder out here on the range! 

Q.  Well, it’s nice and cosy back here in the tack room and Hondo’s joined us too! Hey there Hondo...

A. (Neighhhhh - from Hondo) Hahaha – this is Hondo’s regular hideout, as he loves to nibble on the grain…

Q.  Mmmmm, thinkin' of food I hear I missed your Thanksgiving celebrations, but I’m looking forward to some pumpkin pie later, sounds tasty…

A.  It sure is!

Q.  Ahem, so Nick back to our interview, you’re a Lost Valley wrangler, but do you have any fave activities?

A.  I am indeed, and you’ll usually find me saddlin’ or ridin’ the horses, scoopin’ poop, and feedin our star steeds.  I love vetting horses and takin’ care of them...and workin’ outside is just heaps of fun!

Q.  You bet!  And who’s your fave horse?

A. Moonshine – he's friendly, rides well and likes to eat everything.

Q.  Ahhhh, the horse who’s afraid of the cattle – Oooo-aaaah! And what’s the ultimate spot out on the trail?

A. My best location is called “Wranglers’ Secret Spot.”  Not very many people know about it, but the view from there is awesome. As for those rides it would have to be “Apache Rock.”  It takes you in the middle of the forest and it’s a real blast!

Q. Sounds like a hoot! But more importantly, why should we be saddlin’ up with you guys Nick?

A. Because it’s non-stop fun all the way.  We have some great horseback games too.  May fave is trot tag!

Q. I might have to come back and join you for a game or two next Spring!  Now before I forget, would you happen to have any advice for those wannabe wranglers?

A. You’re on – we’ll see you back here in 2011! As for my advice, you have to love horses, be willing to learn, and yes siree, be willin’ to scoop lots of horse poop!

Q.  Hahaha, I thought you might sneak that one in Nick!  And lastly why is Colorado the best place to ride out?

A. There are way to many reasons, but I just love the mountains and all the wild animals we get to see (deer, birds, foxes, coyotes, and bears). As for riding horses out here - there’s nothing else quite like it!

Q.  Oooo-aaaah – as they say at Lost Valley!  Sounds like a dream ridin’ adventure to me.  Well, thanks for pitchin’ in Nick.  We’ve had a rip-roarin’ time chattin’ with you, but as for now, I'm ready to tuck into some of that pumpkin pie!

So 'til next time ya'll...

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