Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The North Fork Ranch With Casey!

Q. Ho, Ho Ho – horse-nality fans!  Yes, I’m in the mood for a Christmas hoe down this Wednesday, and I’ve just been carolin’ with cowboy Casey at the North Fork Ranch and impressin’ him with my very own western version of Jingle Bells.  Anyhow Casey, I guess I should ask what you do here on the ranch and why it’s just THE BEST JOB in the world?!!! 

A. It sure is!  I love to get out there on the trail with you guests, but in the mornings, you'll usually find me runnin’ the horses.  I should also mention that I’m a BIG fan of our square dance night!

Q.  Yes, your wranglin' buddies tell me that you’re an ace-high square dancer. Perhaps you can teach me a few steps later!

A. You bet!

Q.  OK it’s a date!  Well, I’m guessin’ you’re just mad about horses and bein’ a cowboy too, and I’m sure our readers would love to know why?

A.  Yes siree, you guessed right!  Hmmmm…as for those reasons there are quite a few, but seein’ you guests bond with your horses – why it’s just magical, and I get an awesome buzz when our greenhorns fall in love with western ridin’ – yeehaah!

Q.  And, you must have a fave horse – any mount in mind?

A.  That would have to be Mary. She’s a super sweet and intelligent mare who just loves attention, and she’s always happy to head off on the trail!

Q. Aha – that must be Mary, the speediest steed by far!  I’d love to meet her later, in fact I brought along a few extra apples as a special Christmas treat…

A.  That’s right – well, I’m sure she’ll be your BFF from here on in! Mary does love the shiny green ones (chuckle!)

Q.  Yum yum - me too! Now as for those trail rides where should we be headin’ next year?

A. Well talkin’ of food – you should saddle up with us for our Wednesday Fried Chicken Lunch Ride.  It covers quite a few miles, the scenery is amazin’ and there are plenty of places to lope!

Q. Hahaha – love the name, and I’ll certainly be coming back to Colorado for that one – it sounds fab! But tell me Casey, why should our readers giddy up with you guys?

A. Well we’re a real friendly bunch out here and we’re always telling jokes and funny stories out on the trail.  Fat Bat is a fave game on our Brunch ride, but just helpin' out the wranglers, brushin' the horses, givin' them treats and takin' care of them, is what makes a ranch stay at North Fork kinda special!

Q.  I bet it’s a hoot Casey! But before we leave our horse-nality fans and hit the square dance floor – do you have any advice for our wannabe wranglers?

A. I guess if you’re thinkin’ of bein’ a cowboy or a cowgirl, you have to put your whole self in and give it everythin’ you’ve got! It’s all about about meetin’ people and makin’ new friends!

Q.  Good points Casey - I'll make a note of those!  But listen up folks I can hear that country music playin, so a BIG thanks to cowboy Casey and as we say out here in Colorado…

'til next time ya'll...

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