Friday, December 10, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At Lost Valley With Charlie!

Q. Hey there folks!  Now as Christmas is only a couple of weeks away, I’ve borrowed Hondo’s BIG FC hat for this interview, and I’m planning to have a snowball fight with Cowboy Charlie later, but first off here are some more juicy ranch bites from Charlie himself. 

A. Happy Christmas horse-nality fans! It’s sure nice to meet y’all!

Q. I can see you’re feeling festive too Charlie (Ho, ho, ho!) So I hear all your guests have gone for the season, but what’s your job on the ranch, and do you have any fave activities?

A. (Giggle) Well, I guess you’ll find me taking care of our star steeds and the guests and joinin’ you folks on the rides. I love meetin’ people from all over the world, feedin’ the horses and drivin’ the tractor – it’s fun all the way!

Q.  Mmmm, so does Kellie (pictured).  Sounds like I should add that to my wish list for next year’s ranch holiday! And that fave horse – I know there must be one?!!!

A.  Wow, that’s a tough question, but I’d have to give Wes a mention, because we are both a little goofy and like to do our own thing from time to time!

Q.  Hahaha, I bet he must be a BFF of Charlie the gagster gelding and our horse-nality mascot Hondo!

A.  Yes siree, they’re what we call the goofball geldings round here (chuckle)!

Q.  As for those trails – where should our readers be headin’ if they come to Lost Valley?

A. I’d have to say “Wrangler’s Secret Spot” because it has a beautiful view of the ranch along with Pike’s Peak, and the “Government Bridge” trail ride is just the best, because we get to lope along the creek and through the pines - Oooo-aaaah!

Q.  Can't wait! And why should we all come and giddy up with you wranglers?

A. Hmmmmm…that’s probably the hardest question to answer so far as there are just SO MANY reasons!  Ahem, now where to start...well aside from the great rides you can also hike, go river tubin’, fishin’ and square dancin’. The weekly guest rodeo is just awesome and everyone’s all smiles on when it comes to the campfires and hayrides!

Q. Sounds like fun all the way – roll on 2011! Now, before we start throwin’ those snowballs, I have one last question for you Charlie. Do you have any advice for those wannabe wranglers?

A. I guess be willin’ to pitch in, work hard and learn – and most of all listen to your wrangling buddies!

Q.  Well, you might make a mighty fine wrangler out of me yet.  But watch out Charlie as I’m a mean thrower of snowballs (snowball craftily placed behind back) so…

'til next time ya'll...

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