Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vote For Maybell, The Horse Who Loves To Jingle!

Sadly, Maybell is our last Colorado horse-nality, but we Ranch Rider folks hope that you’ve enjoyed meetin’ and greetin’ all our star steeds!  They have too and all of your new four-legged friends would like to send out a BIG western horse hug, a warm thanks for all your votes - and, as it’s that time of year…wish you a very Merry Christmas! Anyhow, before we leave for our festive hoe down at Lost Valley, here’s the low down on our…sniff, sniff…last star steed… 

This horse-nality just loves to jingle and with a name like Maybell you can see why we had to  save this merry mare for the final slot. Yes, it being the yuletide season n’all, she reminded us of that popular number “jingle bells!"

The liveliest loper at the Colorado Trails, Maybell has a spring in her step and she’ll always be first in the corral if you’re heading off on the Rainbow trail, her fave ride.  A horse with 20/20 vision she likes to stop for short spells, day dream a little and take in all the best views.  Good advice for anyone who's a snap happy photographer, as you might need a few extra memory cards on that camera!

Will our voters be singing “jingle bells” for Maybell? Here’s a quick round up on our seasonal steed to help you decide…

Birth sign: Aquarius
Nature: energetic, but calm; loves being around people; a deep thinker
Favourite treat: sugar cubes as this horse has the sweetest of tooths!

Is Maybell your Merry Christmas mount?  To vote for Maybell, send her name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

While Maybell was our last horse-nality you can still catch up with Hondo on Christmas Eve, as he’ll be rounding up all of the contestants this Friday.  His final post for will be one to remember, but he’s certainly enjoyed chewing the bit with you readers, and now he’s got a taste for the celebrity lifestyle you never know when he might be riding back into town!

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