Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The Colorado Trails With Mike!

Q. Howdy ranching fans – hope you’re feeling Christmassy!  With all this snow on the ground in Colorado I’m certainly in the mood for pressie wrapping and carolin' round the campfire!  Anyhow, today I’m here with Mike, Barn Manager at the Colorado Trails.  Hi there Mike and Merry Chrimbo!!! 

A. A very merry Christmas back at ya!

Q.  Hahaha!  Now Mike, when it’s ranching season what do you get up to round here?

A. Yes it’s pretty quiet now, but you’ll find me bringing the horses in when you guests come back from the trail and I manage the entire horse programme, which is kind of exciting. I also get involved when it comes to serving up that hearty western grub pile.

Q.  Mmmmmmm, sounds yummy! But here's that all important question, why is being a ranch cowboy the best job in the world?

A.  Wow, that's a tough question, but I guess meeting all you wonderful people and sharing my love of horses and the outdoors. It’s just awesome…

Q.  And, I’m bettin’ you have a favourite horse too…?

A.  Ah, that would have to be Zapato – he’s just the best...

Q.  Yes he’s our zip zapping horse-nality – we'll be dropping by for a groomin' session later. Anyhow before we head off to the barn, tell me a bit more about the trails in Durango…

A.  Well my fave would have to be Baxters Knob. There are some great views to be spied from up there and I’m a big fan of the all day ride.  I just love bein’ out in the wilderness.

Q.  Sounds amazing, perhaps next year Mike!  But why should our horse-nality fans come visitin’ you?

A. Hmmmm, that’s another difficult question as there are so many reasons…

I’d say we’re always up for a challenge at the Colorado Trails, and there are scores of trails that will keep you on your toes!

Q. Now I definitely can’t wait for 2011!  And, any tips for those wannabe wranglers Mike?

A. Sure.  It’s not just about being a good rider, as you have to get along with all sorts of different people.  Let your personality shine through and put your whole self in, whatever is thrown at you.

Q.  Great tips Mike – you’re an inspiration!  Anyhow, time to get a wiggle on and go and meet Zapato me thinks.  I brought a handful of grain along with me as I know that’s his favourite treat, but don’t worry Mike, I won’t mention the Upper Rainbow trail (chuckle)!

A. Hahaha...yes best to keep that one quiet as he might start gettin' ready to saddle up!

Brrrrrr, indeed! Well, it’s been awesome jawin (chatting) with you Mike!  

'til next time ya'll...

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