Friday, December 17, 2010

Vote For Quigley, The Rock Star Steed!

Wagner might have leapt into celebrity superstardom on this year’s UK X Factor competition, but he wouldn’t have stolen quite as much of the limelight if he’d been up against Quigley our rock star steed.  Yes siree, this good-looking gelding has a few more talents up his hoof when it comes to being a first class entertainer, and we’re not just talkin’ about hitting those trails! 

So what are Quigley's unique star-studded qualities...

Well, he does have a musical sort of neigh, a laid back attitude and a dry sense of humour (the latter two traits picked up from his fave cowboy Tyler!), but boy can he trot his stuff on the dance floor when he hears a harmonica! Of course, if you grab a horse treat from one of Elk Mountain’s guest gift baskets he might do a few turns in the corral without the musical accompaniment - but being such a popular pin up at the ranch, you'll have to beat the crowds to the pasture!

Then again you can always ask him to do a solo number at Aspen Ridge, his fave trail, and while he'll be taking some well-deserved time out from his fans if he wins the horse-nality contest, he will still be signing (or in Quigley's case, hoofing) autographs!

So, will our voters be square dancing in the corral with Quigley? Here’s a quick round up on our musical mount to help you decide…

Birth sign: Leo
Nature: sociable; adventurous; a real character; fun to be around
Favourite treat: Only the best for this star steed – grab a horse treat from the guest gift baskets!

Has Quigley rocked your world?  To vote for Quigley, send his name to (Don’t forget to add your full name, age, daytime telephone number, and email address!)  And as always, we promise to keep your details safe.

Watch out for (!) our last star horse-nality next Thursday and Hondo’s weekly Friday blog on

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