Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hondo's Pick Of The Best Western Words!

Oooo-aaaah! Christmas is a comin', and I can hardly wait!  But, if you’re feelin’ a little baa humbug, you should drop by the blog and meet Zag, as he’s our four-legged Father Christmas, and no windies (tall tales) he even pulls Vista Verde’s sleigh! 

Anyhow, as it’s the last chuckwagon load of western words (sob).  Here’s Hondo’s pick of the best to wet those wattles (ears). 

Worse Than a Cat in a Roomful of Rockers  – Someone who is really nervous.
Hornswoggle – To cheat or trick, to pull the wool over one's eyes.
Wheel-Horse – Your BFF – and for Hondo that has to be Captain Planet!
Toad Strangler  – Heavy rain
Oooo-aaaah – For those Lost Valley wranglers it’s like "Aloha" in Hawaii, but it can also mean hello or goodbye, be used in place of clapping or cheering or just hollered when you’re excited! 
Pancakes – English saddles
See how the cat jumps – discover secrets
Donn your can openers – spurs
get gaited – get going in a hurry
A "Ditty" – (yes, you said it first) a-which-i-ma-call-it.
Piddle – waste time

Anyhow fans, once you touch down in Colorado, you’ll be afly (expert) at all this cowboy speak, so grab that Stetson and get votin’ for your fave horse-nality as we’ll be accepting votes right up until 01 January! Good luck to all our horse-nalities and may be the best mount WIN!!!

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