Friday, December 24, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The Colorado Trails With Rory

Q. Well, it’s Christmas Eve folks – yee-haah!  I’m ready for the big day, lots of pressies and of course a mighty big turkey – yum.  But before the 25th arrives we’ve got one last cowboy to interview so give a festive shout out to Cowboy Rory! 

A. Thanks horse-nality fans!  Nice to be here with you in snowy Colorado…

Q.  It sure is Rory.  I’ve really loved my holiday in the Centennial state and I’ll be here next year without a doubt.  Anyhow, what will you be gettin’ up to when those fine folks come back to your ranch?

A. Well, it’s my job to entertain the guests, take them out on rides and get them jingling!

Q.  Ah, the jingle. If you missed it ranching fans, that’s a very festive sounding word that means to round those horses up (chuckle). And, knowing you like to jingle Rory, I think I can safely say your fave horse is Maybell.

A.  Yes, you guessed it! She’s a really calm horse and we do love to do the jingle…

Q.  I bet! So what about the trails, is there one that springs to mind?

A.  There sure is.  It would have to be the Rainbow trail.  There is plenty of open space to lope, and you can really let yourself go!

Q.  Wow, sounds awesome Rory!  And my last question is… Do you have any tips for our wannabe wranglers Rory?

A.  I do indeed! Have fun on the ranch and love the horses…

Q.  Great tips Rory!  

Well horse-nality peeps it’s time for Rory and I to sparkle up as we’ve got a couple of eggnogs waiting for us – yum!  But, before we head off I’d like to say a big thanks to Rory and all the cowboys and girls that we’ve interviewed during the contest.  

I Hope you’ve enjoyed our Colorado chit-chats and don’t forget you can keep votin’ for those horse-nalities right up until 01 January.

Have a wicked Christmas and New Year…

'til next time ya'll...

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