Friday, October 29, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality...?

Yes, I spy the rancher in Lost Valley's hammock, but now is not the time to be lazin' around in the shade, as the competition’s hottin’ up, and Chip is hot on the trail of those other horse-nalities, including me – your very own heartthrob Hondo – Oooo-aaaah!!!
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Have You Fallen For The 007 Of The West?

Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo? If you’re at the Elk Mountain he’ll probably be out on the trail, as almost every guest falls in love with this stunning American Paint Horse. Why, he’s the 007 of Colorado – a four-legged charmer who’s always willing to please, especially if you have a few left over apples from your lunch ride!
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Hondo Would Like To Know…?

Howdy peeps!  Yes siree, it’s that time again and I have one more question, hot off the dusty trail…

Would you take “horsey” fashionista advice from ME (your Hondo xxx)?!!!

Before you send your reply you might want to check out my new shoes

And remember, you can post your answers right here on the blog!

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Go Cowgirl Up At the Colorado Trails!

Q. Listen up folks as this week we’re over at the Colorado Trails in the south-west corner of the state.  And I’ve got cowgirl Alicia with me, one of the kid’s counselors down here on the ranch.  Hey there Alicia!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vote For Chip - The Lightning McQueen Of The Western World!

Want a horse that can go full throttle out west, then Chip will be your four-legged Ferrari!  Yes, he can drive those cattle down before you even have time to blink, in fact, he'll even nudge his sidekick steeds, and tell them to get a wiggle on while he’s jingling the herd!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Western Lingo Live - All The Way From Colorado!

It’s that time again folks, yes ya’ll better listen in, as we’ve got some Western lingo that will sure make you afly at (expert at) jawin (talking) in Colorado cowboy country!  Yes, there’s no bosh (nonsense) here, as this is the real open up those wattles (ears) and listen up!
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At Lost Valley!

 Q. Well we’re back here in Deckers and the ranch’s head wrangler Josh Singer is joining us in the corral.
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Hondo Would Like To Know?...

Howdy from Hondo!

Thanks for your votes peeps ♥!  Anyhow, it’s that time again and I have one more question for you ranchin' and ridin' fans…

Would you share your vanilla ice-cream with (ME!!!) Hondo?

Please note – this is a VERY important question!!!

Post your answers right here on the blog!....

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Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?

Howdy folks – yes, Hondo’s back! Now I’m keeping it short and sweet this week, as I’ll be square dancing later at Lost Valley's hoe down, but don’t forget to vote for me! As for the pic, well not wantin' to steal the limelight n'all, I thought I'd leave you with a horsey nugget from our all day ride...Oooo-aaaah!!! 
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Vote For Moonshine, But Please Don’t Mention The CATTLE!

Halloween is almost here horse fans, but our next star mount isn’t frightened of the ghosts and ghouls – no siree, it’s the cattle that make him turn to jelly! According to Lost Valley's wranglers, Moonshine was out pushing the cows with his favourite cowboy Turco, when all of a sudden they came upon a steer with mighty big horns.  The pair glanced at each other for a moment and a split second later Moonshine high-tailed it out of there without looking back once! 
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is Hondo Your Heartthrob? Vote for Lost Valley’s Prankster!

Hondo is just your average nice guy (or horse, of course!) and he wins hearts wherever he lopes, so it’s no surprise that he was chosen as our horse-nality mascot. In fact, if there really was an X Factor contest for western mounts, we’re betting Hondo would be the star pin up. 
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Western Lingo For You Wannabe Wranglers!

Howdy partners – yes, we’re back with some more western lingo that will have you going as crazy as a loon over Colorado! 
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At The Vista Verde!

Q. It’s Travel Tuesday for you Twitter peeps, and right now we’re at the Vista Verde in Steamboat, Colorado!  Luckily for you, Kyle, a real cowboy from the Centennial state, has agreed to have a chat with us and tell us about life on the ranch. 
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?: Please Vote For Powder, As I'm Lookin' Forward To Lots Of Cake & Ice-Cream!

Howdy folks – yes, it’s Hondo here! Now, before I start chewin’ the bit on my fave horse-nalities, I thought I’d share a pic of me doin’ some of that good old fashioned horse whisperin’ that we love so much out west.  I guess you could say it’s all about getting to know each other better and I’d be more than pleased to make your acquaintance. Oooo-aaaah (if you didn't know, that’s our Lost Valley cry), yes siree!!!
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Nutty For The Western Wildlife? Vote For Ace, Our Very Own Four-Legged Dr. Doolittle!

He’s the Dr. Doolittle of the western world, and no, we’re not talking about a wrangler, we’re introducing our next star horse-nality, who goes by the name of Ace!  When the song birds fly down from the trees and perch on his saddle, you’d expect the cow hands to take a second glance, but no-one is ever the least bit surprised. Yes, it seems that the wildlife can’t get enough of this friendly quarter horse. In fact, his cheerful disposition has even earned him the reputation of being able to talk a squirrel out of a nut tree - a skill he picked up from his favourite cowboy Caleb! 
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Go Cowgirl Up At Lost Valley With Chelsea Reeher!

Q. Hey there!  We've come down to Deckers to interview some of the team, so I wondered if you'd be happy telling us a little more about Lost Valley?

A. Sure - I'd love to tell you more! The name's Chelsea, and I'm a Lost Valley wrangler! 

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hondo Would Like To Know?...

Howdy riding and ranching fans!   

Hondo our Horse-nality of the Year mascot has a few questions for you as our four-legged Colorado celebrity would say, let's get a wiggle on!...

"Einey, meany miney mo – would you choose to saddle up with (me!!!) Hondo?..."

Post your answers right here on our blog!....

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Got your copy of PONY: The Annual 2011?

The brand new PONY annual has landed! Yup, PONY: The Annual 2011 is jam-packed with brand new material from your fave mag. With over 100 pages of all-colour features, quizzes, puzzles and pictures, you won’t find a bigger or better horsey annual around! Click here to get your mitts on a PONY annual!

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Mythical Unicorn Or Dance Hall Diva - Powder Has Our Vote!

We’re not quite sure if our next horse-nality has a special talent for square dancing or the two-step, as the ranch hands at Lost Valley are keeping her prancing know-how firmly under wraps.  If you want to find out more, vote for Powder, as this is the only way you’ll be able to get a glimpse of the fair filly’s dance floor antics. If she wins she’ll be swinging or trotting her stuff at the hoe-down with her favourite cowboy, and head wrangler, Josh - Oooo-aaaah! And not forgetting the cake, as the dymanic horse-nality duo will be baking one of those too!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yee-haah or Oooo-aaaah as they say at Lost Valley!

Yes, we’re back with some more western jawin' from Colorado – that’s talkin’ to you folks if you’re listenin’ in. 
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Who's this week’s fave horse-nality?: Why C.P Is Pitchin' A Fit!

Howdy ya'll – yes, it’s Hondo here! Well it looks as though you folks have been going the whole hog when it comes to voting for us horse-nalties.  So I’d be more than happy to treat you to a trail ride or two if you’re ever comin’ out this way! 
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Our Wild Card From Out West! Does Morris The "Miniature Horse" Get Your Vote?...

Those kind folks at Vista Verde have thrown a wild card into the mix, so if you’re a miniature horse fan, feast your eyes on Morris.  

He’s a huggable horse if ever there was one, and rather than hitting the trail he just likes to hang out on the range.  Pretty much anything will work when it comes to treats, whether it’s a carrot, a sugar cube or a handful of sunflower seeds. And, if he really takes a liking to you, he’ll be your  BFF for eight whole days, which means following you around the ranch from morning til night!  Fancy a game of hide and seek? Morris is your mount! 

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Are you Going All Starry-Eyed Over Captain Planet? - Vote For Our First Horse-Nality!

According to the wranglers at Lost Valley, Captain Planet, or C.P. for short, is just plain nuzzleable (loveable)!

When he’s not searching for shapes in the clouds with his four-legged friends or playing hopscotch in the corral, you might well find him falling asleep on the hitching rail. Yes, you guessed it, Captain Planet’s a bit of a night owl! A stargazing gelding, CP also likes to trot off for a late night swim in Goose Creek, and he’s been known to throw the odd slumber party, or two, on the range.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Western Lingo Live!...

Gary Elam©

Get yer "Diggers" (Spurs) on, as we’ve got a whole host of western phrases coming direct from Colorado. And, our cowgirls and cowboys will be throwin’ in a few extras too!

So, here’s how it’s done in the Centennial state…

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Horsey Parents Can Vote Too! Watch Out For Horse&Rider Magazine's November Issue...

Yes that's right if your parents are simply mad about horses too they can also vote for Colorado's Horse-nality - soon to be featured in Horse&Rider Magazines's November issue! What is it they say, "You've gotta be in it to win it," and with a family ranch stay up for grabs we're sure that mums and dads across the globe would like to pony up and vote! 

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Catch Up With The Contest In PONY Magazine's November Issue - OUT 07 October!

Are you just mad about ponies, horses, and maybe even riding Western? Watch out for the November edition of PONY Magazine - out this Thursday, the 7th of October...

Those fab girls at our fave horsey teen mag will be featuring the Colorado "Horse-nality of the Year" contest on the competition pages...and we agree it's just gotta be the next best thing to riding! 

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