Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At The Vista Verde With Johanna!

Q. Hey there peeps!  We’re back at the Vista Verde Ranch in Steamboat on this mighty fine Tuesday, and cowgirl Johanna is here with us. Howdy Johanna!

A. Hi there everyone – it sure is nice to make your acquaintance! 
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At The Colorado Trails With Vanessa!

Q. Hi there peeps! Yes, this week (as you’ve probably gathered from the title) we’re back at the Colorado Trails with Vanessa and she’s goin’ to give us her take on being a mighty fine wrangler out west.  So Vanessa, what made you become a cowgirl? 
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Friday, November 26, 2010

More Horse-nalities From Huggable Hondo!

Howdy peeps – welcome back to Lost Valley’s corral!  Now this week I’m aimin’ to keep it short as I’ve sure got a bellyache after chompin’ on way too much pumpkin pie. Well, it was Thanksgiving Day on Thursday and you know I like to put the nose bag on (eat) – chuckle! As for those trails (see me pictured above) and Cowboy Turco - why, we had a rip-roarin' time lopin' over to Heathcliff! Want to find out more?  Catch up with me on the PONY Magazine blog
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Will Zapato, Our Zip-Zapping Horse-nality Win Your Vote…?

Zapato is another horse-nality that lives up to his name, as he zaps around the corral like a western whirlwind before letting anyone catch him. 

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vote for Peaches, The Loper Who Likes To Lunch!

Our next horse is as sweet as peaches and cream and her personality matches her name to a tee.  Yes, you guessed it, this mare is called exactly that, ‘Peaches’.  She’ll take care of any rider that saddles up with her on the trail, but we warn you it might take a while to get there – especially if she spots some lush grass on the way.  Peaches likes to lope and eat when the mood takes her and practically anything goes when it comes to horse fodder! 

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oooo-aaaah - More Western Words From Colorado!

Did I mention Christmas last week? Well, we’re about to have a rip roaring (great time at) Thanksgiving come tomorrow, so perhaps I was gettin' a little ahead of myself there!  You see, the thing is, I’ve been makin’ my list out for the Big FC and I want December 25 to giddy up.  Anyhow, no doubt Hondo will be tellin’ yer about our annual hoedown on his Friday blog, but for now here’s a round up of some of those wicked western words to keep you goin’! 
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Go Cowgirl Up At Lost Valley With Kellie!

Q. Hey there peeps!  We're in Deckers again, and it’s mighty fine to be back at Lost Valley with Kellie!  So, I’m wonderin’ Kellie, what do you get up to on the ranch and why is THE best job ever! 
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Go Cowgirl Up At Elk Mountain With Hunter!

Q. Howdy there tenderfoots!  Today I’m over at the Elk Mountain  with Hunter - and she’s one horse mad cowgirl! 
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Go Cowboy Up At the Vista Verde With Dace!

Q. Howdy everyone! We’re back with a cowboy from the Vista Verde, in fact, he’s a big bug as he’s the General Manager here. So Dace, you must get involved in pretty much everything on the ranch, but what do you love best? 
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Friday, November 19, 2010

More Horse-nalities From Huggable Hondo!

Well it’s been a snowy kind of week folks, as you’ll see from my PONY blog, so I’ve been hidin’ away in the tack room with Captain Planet and enjoyin’ a bucket throwin’ contest or two! 
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Vote For Lakota, The Princess Of The West!

If there were ever a starring role for a horse princess, then Lakota would beat any other mare by a long lope!  Yes siree, this mare has a touch of royalty about her and she loves to look the part, whether she’s hitting the trail and trotting off to Hinman Lake (her fave ride) or meeting new guests in the corral. 

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vote For Gus Our 'Full Of Beans' Foal!

Gus might be one of the youngest horses at the Vista Verde, but he’s certainly a colt with a colourful personality.  Curiouser than curiouser, he’s been getting tons of attention all summer long. Why, you wannabe ranchers can't seem to get enough of him, and he loves the limelight. In fact, when we mentioned the horse-nality contest and showed him the camera, he jumped around the pasture in excitement and then posed for our photographer like a model mount (see above)!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More Lively Lingo From Out West!

Howdy cowgirls and boys – or should I say “Ho, Ho, Ho,” yes this week we’ve had snow on the ground and it’s starting to get mighty cold over here in Colorado – brrrrrr! Anyhow, I’m the big bug (the boss) round here when it comes to organisin’ the festive hoe down, so I best get this post down real quick! 
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?: Your Votes LIVE!

Yes peeps, last week I gave you the top five, but this Friday I thought I’d send out a few words from you voters.  Well, we've been readin’ some mighty fine comments from you folks so here’s some top notch blog fodder from your huggable Hondo and those Lost Valley wranglers!  See my ranch bites in blue and links to all our star horse-nalities below...
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Hondo Would Like To Know?...

Howdy Peeps!  I'm in second place fans so a big thanks for all your votes - mwah!

Well, it's that time again and I've been wantin' to ask... 
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Would You Like To Fly Across Colorado? Vote For Puzzle, The Steed With A Spring In Her Step!

Now, I’m bettin’ that there are a tenderfoots out there who like nothing better than a whole days eventing and jumping.  If that’s your fave horsey activity then head for Lost Valley, as this homestead features a magic mount that can fly across creeks!  Well, Puzzle doesn’t really have wings, but she loves to leap across anything and everything in the blink of an eye! 
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cowhorse Or Cowboy? – Vote For Otis, The Mount Who Thinks He’s Human!

Fluffy by mane and fluffy by nature, Otis tops the list as our friendliest mount yet, but according to the wranglers at the Colorado Trails, they're not entirely sure if he thinks he’s a horse or a human.  

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Wonderful Words From Out West!

Now we’ve been doin’ the jingle this week, and I know you readers aren’t fogy (stupid), but it’s definitely nothing to do with spurs or that popular number “jingle bells!" Well, it is nearly Christmas so I thought I might have hornswoggled you (pulled the wool over your eyes), but I guess you know me better by now…hahaha!  Yes, to you folks it means roundin’ up those horses, and “Oooo-aaaah” – we sure did have a hog killin’ time (lots of fun)! 

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Who's This Week’s Fave Horse-Nality?: Here's The Top Five From Huggable Hondo!

You horse fans have certainly been getting’ all mashed up about (loving) Colorado and all of our horse-nalities, but this week, being your huggable Hondo n’all, I thought I should give you a run down of the top five! If you’ve taken a peek at my PONY blog (out TODAY!), you’ll have had the mighty fine pleasure of meetin’ my goofy pal Charlie and Run Around Rosie from the Colorado Trails.  Hmmmmm....thinkin' on that, I've got a mind to send that Rosie a Lost Valley invite, as I bet she’d be great fun when it comes to a game of hide and seek – Oooo-aaaah! 
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Is Run Around Rosie Our Hot-Shot Horse-nality?

Catch me if you can!  Yes, if you’re looking for a horse that will test your mental ability and not simply your riding skills, ask for Rosie at the Colorado Trails.  She’s a tough cookie and you’ll have to win her affection, but deep down this mare is a BIG softy.  Just when you think you’re about to saddle up Rosie will high tail it and hide behind the bigger horses – and according to the wranglers it’s all part of the fun! 
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Want A Belly Full Of Laughs? Vote For Charlie 'The Gagster' Gelding!

Well known for clowning around in the corral, Charlie 'the gagster' gelding has a wicked sense of humour. Last seen having a chuckle or two at Lost Valley’s guest rodeo, he’ll certainly find time to amuse you, whether he’s playing with buckets, lead ropes or just plain horsin’ around with his four legged friends.  In fact, watch out for those pails, as once he gets a taste for slinging buckets he’s likely to say, “pass me another!” 
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Go Cowgirl Up With Hayley At the North Fork Guest Ranch

Q. Howdy wannabe ranchers!  Now today we’re going cowgirl up with Hayley May, a wrangler at the North Fork Guest Ranch. So, what do you get up to Hayley? 
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Words From Out West!

If you’re catching up with us this week you certainly won’t be at the end of the horn (at a disadvantage) when it comes to jawin (talking) with Colorado’s cowboys and girls.  No Siree, you’ll see how the cat jumps (discover the secrets) and be jabberin' in our western lingo in no time at all – and we’re not stretchin’ the blanket (telling tall tales)!
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